Rain or shine, start your 4th of July celebration by reading aloud the Declaration of Independence, the document that led to the birth of our nation. We will meet on Tuesday, July 4, 2023 at 9:00 a.m. on the grounds of Portsmouth Free Public Library. Copies will be available or you may bring your own.
Gather your family - children are welcome - bring a chair or blanket to sit on, dress up in red, white and blue, if you like, and pay homage to this extraordinary founding document. Read along with the presenters and reflect upon the great nation this document engendered, and the courage and wisdom of those who initiated the rocky road to the Constitution, The Bill of Rights, and, ultimately, the United States of America
In case of rain, we will meet inside the Library in the Mello Program Room. For further information e-mail: AnneBWagner@cox.net