2658 East Main Road | Portsmouth, RI | 02871 | (401) 683-9457 | Hours

The Library will be closing on Sunday January 19th for an extended construction project.  Please see our announcement below for full details.

Faxing & Scanning Services

The Library has a public fax kiosk in the lobby.  Patrons will need to use their own credit card in order to fax or may purchase a fax card at the circulation desk.  Patrons are instructed to simply lift the hand-set on the kiosk and follow the voice instructions that will guide the patron step-by-step to the completion of their fax transmission. If the patron has questions, they can call for customer service on their toll-free number that is posted on the kiosk.

Library patrons can use the public copier for their scanning needs or ask for help at the reference desk.