Join us for a virtual presentation on seed starting with URI Master Gardener William Baddeley. (Due to technical difficulties on March 23, we will try again.)
As the days begin to lengthen, the thoughts of planting a garden begin to grow! Though this talk is about starting seeds indoors, we’ll start with a view of growing plants from seed in the garden. Some plants need the extra time that indoor starting gives them while others are best started outdoors. The URI planting calendar provides a guide to the best time to plant a wide range of vegetable plants. We’ll talk about the basics of containers, soil, heat, light, air and water for giving seeds a strong start. By the end of the talk you should be ready to start some seeds indoors, grow them into hardy seedlings, and transplant them into the garden.
The virtual meeting will start at 6:30 PM via zoom for this discussion. Please register online at www.portsmouthlibrary.org and include your email address in your registration so that a link may be sent to you.
We will meet at 6:30 PM via zoom for this discussion. Please include your email address in your registration so that a link may be sent to you.