The Library will be closing on Sunday January 19th for an extended construction project. Please see our announcement below for full details.
The Library will be closing on Sunday January 19th for an extended construction project. Please see our announcement below for full details.
Annual 3rd Tuesday Book Club Meeting to discuss LOTS of books for the upcoming year! Submit your suggestions (limit to 3 titles, please) to Carolyn by May 7 so the books will be at the meeting to take a look at.
Join us for a virtual presentation on seed starting with URI Master Gardener William Baddeley. (Due to technical difficulties on March 23, we will try again.)
Crisp spring mornings teeming with the anticipation of sunrise contain a beautiful surprise to the observant eye. The sky dance of the American woodcock (photo by Gerry Krausse) is one of the earliest and most theatrical signs of spring. Learn all about these strange and amazing birds and the unique young forests they inhabit in Rhode Island with the RIDEM Division of Fish and Wildlife!
Join us virtually as we discuss The Giver of Stars by Jojo Moyes.
Join us virtually as we discuss The Overstory by Richard Powers.
Join us as we discuss This Light Between Us by Andrew Fukuda. Join us as we discuss this story of pen pals, one in France and the other in Washington state, during WWII. We are now meeting in person, in the Mello Program room at the library.
November's pick: The Sun is Also a Star
Join us as we discuss Rebel Spy by Veronica Rossi via Zoom. Join us as we discuss this book set in 1776 where a teenaged girl becomes a spy for George Washington. Books are available to
The Enigma Game by Elizabeth Wein. Join us as we discuss this historical fiction title by Wein set in Scotland during WWII. Books are available to borrow at the library. We are now mee