2658 East Main Road | Portsmouth, RI | 02871 | (401) 683-9457 | Hours

Genealogy Appointments

If you shake your family tree, will an American Patriot fall out? We usually think of soldiers like the Minutemen, but the fight for independence succeeded due to the efforts of a wide variety of people. Black and indigenous soldiers served in the 1st Rhode Island Regiment and were integrated in the Continental line, and women contributed money, nursing skills, food, clothing and more. Even if you do not have deep roots in the thirteen original colonies, DAR members have proven Quebecois, Dutch, French, Spanish and Jewish patriots. Join Laurie Greaney, former State Registrar and Volunteer Genealogist with the Daughters of the American Revolution, to find out if you have an ancestor who contributed to the cause of Independence. If you are just curious about who is in your family tree, or you have a family story of a Patriot, we will try to identify them and document their service. Please bring as much information as you can for yourself through at least your grandparents (birth and death dates and locations). If you have a laptop, please bring it as well. 


Space is limited and appointments will be made in 45 minute slots. Please contact Laurie at lauriegreaneydar@gmail.com for an appointment.